The dog days of summer are here and the time is ripe for a Strategic Earth team check-in. Sound off!

her nephew.
So far this summer, I’ve been to Idyllwild, Portland, and Toronto, and I’m heading to Barcelona/Monte Carlo/Malta in August.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning to make certain s’mores are consumed.
This summer I’m reading soooo many books – just finished Map of Salt and Stars by Zeyn Joukhadar.
My favorite summertime activity? The joys of living in California (as a Canadian transplant) – I don’t believe there are any summer activities I don’t enjoy all year long.
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer item: long summer nights with the sun setting at 9pm.
My dream summer vacation: spending quality time with loved ones completely unplugged.
My preferred summer footwear: bare feet.
Ice cream, fro-yo, or popsicles? Acai bowl.

So far this summer, I’ve been a mom carting my kids to camp and daycare, working, to the beach, to the pool, to the pool, and… oh yeah, to the pool.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning on more of the same, plus a camping/road trip through Central California.
This summer I just finished reading Conversations with Friends and am now reading my daughter’s Ivy and Bean book series with her.
My favorite summertime activity? The beach! Watching the littles play in the sand and boogie board. Enjoying all the sounds and sights of the beach.
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer produce item: Actually, it’s a fall produce item. I have a pineapple guava tree in front of my house that is delicious and makes amazing jam. Fruit usually starts falling in Sept/Oct.
My dream summer vacation: Maldives! Enough said.
My preferred summer footwear: Footwear? There will be very little of that in summer. It’s mostly barefoot but if I have to wear shoes it will be flip flops … unless I am facilitating a meeting in which case I will wear flats.
Ice cream, FroYo, or popsicles? Ice cream fo sho – nothing better than McConnells (although Rori’s comes in a close second)!

So far this summer, I’ve been playing with my baby, getting familiar with our new neighborhood, and spending time with my family.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning to do the same! I’m also looking forward to joining a gym.
This summer I’m reading all the blogs and books on transitioning to a sippy cup, 1 nap, and from formula to whole milk!
My favorite summertime activity: swimming in the ocean.
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer produce item: Corn.
My dream summer vacation: anywhere I can jump in the ocean and have a delicious cocktail with an ocean view.
My preferred summer footwear: Rainbows flip-flops (year-round!).
Ice cream, FroYo, or popsicles? Ice cream for sure, not even a close 2nd or 3rd for FroYo and popsicles.

So far this summer, I’ve been to Rome, Venice, Berlin, and Munich.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning to not plan anything and be spontaneous.
This summer I’m reading Outlander, A Rule Against Murder, and This Is How It Always Is.
My favorite summertime activity: reading while sipping an iced beverage.
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer produce item: Peaches.
My dream summer vacation: Galapagos Islands.
My preferred summer footwear: Converse.
Ice cream, FroYo, or popsicles? Gelato! But if I must choose out of the three, FroYo!

So far this summer, I’ve been catching party waves and dreaming big.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning to prioritize early bedtime.
This summer I’m reading Soaring Beyond the Clouds.
My favorite summertime activities: surfing and bodysurfing.
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer produce item: nectarines.
My dream summer vacation: exploring remote beaches where I float in clean, clear water and eat fruit simultaneously.
My preferred summer footwear: bare feet!
Ice cream, FroYo, or popsicles? Coconut milk chocolate ice cream.

So far this summer, I’ve been backpacking in Volcanoes National Park.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning on surfing as much as possible and a camping trip at summer’s end on the coast.
This summer I’m reading The Tenth Wife.
My favorite summertime activity: surfing.
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer produce item: fresh tomatoes.
My dream summer vacation: Tahiti.
My preferred summer footwear: Havianas flip-flops.
Ice cream, FroYo, or popsicles? FroYo. But gelato is my real preference.

So far this summer, I’ve been to Hawai’i for a family wedding and to the Monterey Bay to teach scuba classes and beat the heat.
For the rest of the summer, I’m planning to get baby Haley on a reasonable schedule. And hopefully more diving.
This summer I’m reading everything Brene Brown has ever written.
My favorite summertime activities: diving, hiking, and generally doing whatever I can to escape the Central Valley heat!
I spend all year eagerly awaiting the arrival of this summer produce item: heirloom tomatoes.
My dream summer vacation: a couple weeks at a beach house on the Central California coast – good food, beach time, excellent diving, mild weather…
My preferred summer footwear: fins.
Ice cream, FroYo, or popsicles? Ice cream, but I’d never say no to a cold tasty treat.