Project Wrap Up: Trinidad Rancheria Tribal Harbor District

Trinidad Rancheria Tribal Harbor District

From November 2022 – July 2024, Strategic Earth supported the Tribal Council and Administrative Staff of the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria in developing a strategic plan for the Tribe’s new Tribal Harbor District, which they have owned and operated since 2001. In May 2024, Trinidad Rancheria completed the fee-to-trust process, formally […]

Join Us in Building a Community of Practice

On a background with blurred trees with sun peaking through "Building a Community of Practice with Strategic Earth Consulting"

At Strategic Earth, we believe in the power of community and collaboration to drive meaningful change. That’s why we’re excited to launch our Community of Practice (CoP) series in 2024 – a journey into professional growth, collaborative learning, and fostering meaningful connections. Our CoP is designed to provide a space for compassionate individuals who are […]

A Holiday Season Filled with Magic and Promise

A happy holidays graphic for our website blog describing, in summary, what we hope for each and every supporter and community member.

With another year coming to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to pause, reflect, and express gratitude to all those we crossed paths with in 2022 – clients, new and old; partners, collaborators, and supporters. Creating, growing, and maintaining relationships is core to our ethos as an organization that simply would not […]

Happy New Year!

a hand holding a dandelion with the quote "And suddenly you know: it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings"- Meister Eckhart

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford With the start of the new year and the excitement of welcoming new team members to our Strategic Earth family, we can’t think of a more appropriate quote to reflect on! As we make our way through the first […]

Limitless Possibilities

Someone standing on a rock looking up at the starry night sky. At the bottom of the page the quote reads " And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been"- Rainer Maria Rilk

The start of a New Year marks an important time to consider where our team will place our attention and focus for the next twelve months. We steer clear from “resolutions”, which tend to wind up as pie crust promises – easily made, easily broken (thank you, Mary Poppins). While our intentions shift and evolve […]