Getting To Know Us Better: Sara Shen

It’s Employee Appreciation Day, and what better way to appreciate our Strategic Earth team than by getting to know us better? Here’s what you may not have known about Sara Shen, our greatly valued Associate, momma-to-be, lover of the ocean, and forever a Spice Girls fan.

What’s your favorite movie?

This is a hard one, but it’s got to be Dante’s Peak! I love natural disaster movies, even if they are super cheesy and terrible, which this one is not but many are. I love being on the edge of my seat thinking ‘oh my gosh are they going to make it before the volcano explodes or the tornado touches down!?’ While not totally related to this answer, here’s a picture of me in a cave in Belize 8 years ago- my (now) husband and I swam through the cave (in total darkness, and in cold water) to get to these Mayan ruins. It was spectacular.

What are you passionate about?

The ocean! I knew I wanted to study the ocean when I took my first marine biology class in high school and have pursued this passion by earning a PhD in biological oceanography and choosing a career that intersects with marine science and policy. I love snorkeling and diving, and spend most of my time underwater watching fish- they are amazing and if you pay attention, they are always doing something interesting. My love for the ocean definitely started young when my family took vacations to beachy destinations and spent our summers and weekends at our local beach.

What’s the best concert you ever attended?

Definitely the Spice Girls! I must have been around ten years old and I dressed up as Baby Spice. My mom snuck me, my sister, and my best friend into front row seats (that’s another great story!) and we stood on the seats and danced and sang along to every song. It was such a fun night!