Intentional Community Outreach & Engagement
Strategic Earth’s collaborative and inclusive approach to engagement centers around the importance and value of relationship building. Our success in connecting with local communities is the result of our dedication to seeking common connections across diverse audiences.
READ MOREAt Strategic Earth, integrated communications means designing information that promotes a multi-directional exchange of information. We aren’t satisfied with simply sending a message out – we want to hear messages back from the communities, organizations, and individuals our clients are looking to connect with.
Strategic Planning, Project Management & Capacity-building
Our team thoughtfully develops comprehensive strategies that are reflective of our client’s programmatic priorities. We consider each phase of a project’s evolution by offering administrative, coordination, and on-the-ground support.
Community of Practice
Strategic Earth invites you to a new Community of Practice – a unique exploration into professional growth, collaborative learning, and meaningful connections. Join us in 2024 for four virtual sessions to gather with others leading heart-centered work and committed to building trusting relationships with community.