Happy New Year Wishes

Photo of waves crashing on the rocky shore during a beautiful sunset

As we enter into 2022, we pause to share our gratitude and wish you a joy-filled and peaceful new year. Our new year wish: for you to enter into 2022 filled with kindness for yourself and others. let each other evolve listen without reacting do not expect perfection support each other’s healing only commit to […]

Working Our Values: Meet the Team

Collage of all the vacations from people that work for Strategic Earth

In 2020, Strategic Earth’s team of core staff members doubled in size. What compelled us to expand now, in spite of the many hardships COVID-19 has brought to small businesses across the country? In short, our values.  Strategic Earth is a woman-owned small business based in Los Angeles, whose vision is to utilize inclusive dialogue […]

Working Our Values: Reconnecting With Our Why, Part 1

Photo of three people working in a home that is placed with trees all around

The start of 2020 marks the tenth year that Strategic Earth Consulting has circled around the sun. And inherent to these types of celebratory milestones is a natural opportunity to pause, reflect, and begin charting our course for the next decade to come.  As a woman-owned, small (micro!) business enterprise with a remote team, it […]

Inside the Project: Enhanced Status Reports

Photo of a kelp bass fish swimming next to some big kelp

As we tie up the many loose ends that dangle before the holidays, we also find ourselves us winding down our support of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) in their creation of roughly 30 Enhanced Status Reports (ESRs) for state-managed fisheries. Spanning two contracting phases and nearly two years (which included two […]

Pausing, With Gratitude

Photo of twine lights bents into the shape of a heart that is placed in sand

As we reflect on this past year and focus our intentions on all that a new decade will bring, we pause to say thank you to everyone — our clients, partners, collaborators, and colleagues — who make up the fabric of Strategic Earth. Our success and love for what we do relies on trusted, meaningful […]

What We’re Up To: Summer Edition

Photo of a mountain viewpoint that looks out on top a sunset with cloud cover

The dog days of summer are here and the time is ripe for a Strategic Earth team check-in. Sound off! Kelly So far this summer, I’ve been to Idyllwild, Portland, and Toronto, and I’m heading to Barcelona/Monte Carlo/Malta in August. For the rest of the summer, I’m planning to make certain s’mores are consumed. This […]

Getting To Know Us Better: Sara Shen

Photo of two people holding up a baby outfit that says " Cal Babies Rock" in Cal Berkeley colors

It’s Employee Appreciation Day, and what better way to appreciate our Strategic Earth team than by getting to know us better? Here’s what you may not have known about Sara Shen, our greatly valued Associate, momma-to-be, lover of the ocean, and forever a Spice Girls fan. What’s your favorite movie? This is a hard one, […]

Getting To Know Us Better: Rachelle Fisher

Photo of one adult and two kids smiling and having fun in the grass.

It’s Employee Appreciation Day, and what better way to appreciate our Strategic Earth team than by getting to know us better? Here’s what you may not have known about Rachelle Fisher, our greatly valued Senior Associate, mom of two, and lover of chocolate chip cookies. What are you passionate about? Chocolate chip cookies. There is […]